Monday, 26 October 2015

Northern Chagigah 27-29 November

The tables for Friday night dinner are filling up quickly – where to sit?  There’s the Jackson’s Row posse, but then there are friends from Sinai I’ve not seen for ages, not to mention the Menorah crowd. And the Sheffield people, and Newcastle – and a few people I don’t know yet – but will do as the weekend progresses. Decisions, decisions. Not to mention which workshop to go to, which minyan to join on Shabbat morning.  What’s not to love about Northern Chagigah?
Chagigah means celebration, and of course we in the northern Reform communities know we have a lot to celebrate. In fact we’ve been meeting for a weekend away for many years now in a variety of locations. Everyone who comes along has an inspirational time, and this year looks as if it’s going to be better than ever.
We’re going back to Kenwood Hall in Sheffield as it proved to be such an excellent choice last year.  The food was good (first things first!), the accommodation very comfortable, and there was masses of room for all the different activities on offer. This year our theme is Lighting the Way – a nod in the direction of Chanukah. 
So apart from the food and the company, what happens? We have some excellent rabbis, speakers and educators who are coming up from London , including Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner and Edie Friedman from JCore. There will be quizzes, play readings, different kinds of services to try and opportunities to learn and debate with fellow reform Jews on a variety of subjects from Kabbalah to social action. Of course there’s plenty of stuff for kids, with RSY support and crèches. And then what you do is up to you!
But perhaps what is most special about Northern Chagigah is what happens at the edges – the conversations you strike up over dinner or in a workshop. Friendships are formed and connections are made. We remember that a vital part of being a Reform Jew is community – and we are not only part of our own shul community, but we have family elsewhere in the north. There are more of us than you think – and there is strength in numbers.
If you’re wavering about coming to Chagigah this year, waver no more.  You deserve the fun, companionship and enlightenment on offer. Email Sarita at and book yourself and your family a place. The cost is surprisingly reasonable. The dates are Friday 27th – Sunday 29th November.
See you there!

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Here's a pic of Rabbi's succah ...

 Leafy or what?

And no photos, I'm afraid, of our wonderful Simchat Torah celebrations yesterday. But there was much flag-waving, dancing, smiling and eating of the wonderful lunch kindly provided for us.