Monday, 14 December 2015

And for our next thing ....

We brought Just One Thing to a grand conclusion with our wonderful Chanukah party yesterday afternoon. Rabbi gave a fascinating shiur on synagogue buildings - apparently the essential thing for a synagogue is not a Torah Scroll, or ark or kiddush (shame!) but people - the minyan is the thing. We certainly had more than a minyan yesterday.
Aimee and David entertained the young ones ...

While the older ones amused themselves with some Israeli dancing led by Cathy Knowles ..

And the doughnuts and latkes were eaten by everyone.

In fact, the party was so good that plans were hatched to do something similar at Purim, and some of us will also be meeting on Jan 3rd for a post-Bank Holiday ramble. 
Thank you to everyone who did Just One Thing, and also to those who did many, many things!