Sunday, 24 April 2016

Communal Seder Awards

Forget about the Oscars - this is what really counts. The Jackson's Row Communal Seder Awards ... announced here!

For Best Song - Rabbi's rendition of Chad Gadya complete with all animal noises and more besides.  Almost without getting mixed up in the last verse!

For Production - Pam, Selena, Rachel and helpers for delivering our seder with exceptional charm, cheerfulness and efficiency. Kol Hakavod to you!

For the most inappropriate conversation at a seder table - the Swerdlow/Laithwaite table for discussing which N Manchester bakery sells the best bagels

For Unsung Heroes - Phil and the security team, and Jack and Brian

For taking care of the youngest person present - Rivka Myles

For the brightest, sassiest dress - Mandy Bernhardt (as ever!)

For best Kosher for Pesach dessert in Manchester - the chocolate pudding provided by Marc Cooper (the rest of the meal wasn't too bad either!)

For Insight - the new MRJ Haggadah, for making the seder meaningful, inclusive and comprehensible

For best choral singing - absolutely everybody for our roof-raising Who Knows One (thanks to the Kiddush wine too!)

Net year in .... who knows?!