Monday, 27 April 2015

Caring for the Elderly - what you can do to help

It was lovely yesterday to have the shul buzzing on a Sunday morning. We met to discuss the issue of care for the elderly.  This came up because many of us are in the position of having to care for, or arrange care for, family members, or are not so young ourselves, or are concerned about the more isolated members of our own community.

Our two speakers, Lee Bloomfield and Avrom Baker, had between them a great deal of knowledge and experience in these areas, and together we all began to see how we might move forward. The themes that emerged most strongly were that the elderly are individuals, with individual, specific needs. And also that it was difficult for carers to access the information and help they needed – systems are so labyrinthine.  Also, on a psychological level, it’s difficult for people to ask for help – those in need of help fear losing their independence and dignity; carers feel an irrational guilt when they realise they cannot look after family members single-handed.
So we have decided to try to address these issues in our community.  As a first step we are going to organise an Open Doors afternoon, when anyone can pop in to shul or contact us, to get information, support and advice – and also we want people who would be willing to be part of a volunteer team to get in touch too. There will a date and more information shortly, so watch this space.  In the meantime, do contact Sherry Ashworth via the shul office if you want to get involved, or if you feel you need help – or know anyone who does!