Sunday, 3 May 2015

Nagar Kirtan

One of the great thing about being a city-centre synagogue is that there’s a lot going on around us. Today – Sunday, 3rd May – just round the corner in Albert Square Manchester’s Sikh community celebrated Nagar Kirtan. It’s part of the festival of Vaisakhi, traditionally a harvest festival in India and in particular, the Punjab.
We were treated to a procession in which the lead float housed the Sikh holy scriptures.

Not only that, but that Albert Square was awash with colour and spectacle.

And of course there was food – masses of it, as hospitality is a central part of Sikhism. We enjoyed pakoras, samosas and curry – all vegetarian, of course.

It’s great to live in a city where religious communities share their faith and practices (and cooking.)  We ought to do the same.