This coming Shabbat I will tell the dramatic story of Caro's Tikkun.
Next weekend, beginning on Motza'ei Shabbat/Erev Shavuot we will have a study-discussion on conversion to Judaism - "Your people shall be my people", as Ruth said. Conversion is a type of Tikkun, a repairing of your soul, a search for something missing, a seeking for rootedness. The call to join the Jewish people comes to each person in different ways. The response to make that Tikkun is an Aliyah, if not actually physically to Israel, then to make an internal Aliyah, a personal ascent. And it requires the help of those of us who have already made it or were born into it to help, for the good of our whole community.
Rabbi Silverman
Our Tikkun study session starts at 9 pm, Saturday 23rd May, at our shul, with both Rabbis Silverman and Zalud. On the morning of Shavuot itself (Sunday 24th May) there will be a traditional service, and also a children's service - Cup Cakes and Milk Shakes - at 10.30 am. Lunch afterwards for everyone! Shul will be buzzing, so do come along. Ring the synagogue office if you intend to be there, for catering purposes.