Friday, 14 August 2015

Sponsor Steve Cohen and support Brookvale!

These legs are made for cycling ...

Following his sponsored Abseil down Peel Tower near Bury in aid of Mountain Rescue, Steve Cohen is intending celebrating his 70th Birthday year with a further challenge - a 400 mile cycle ride. His journey will start from Rochdale Town Hall on the 18th August and goes via Morecambe, the Lake District, Hadrian's Wall, Durham, Whitby and the Yorkshire Dales, back (hopefully!!)  to Rochdale Town Hall, 8 days later. He will be cycling with two friends  and they will be carrying all their gear in panniers on the bikes. The route involves several thousand feet of ascent.
Steve is dedicating the ride to help people with disabilities, and is asking Jackson's Row members if they are able to sponsor his effort with donations for the residents of Brookvale with whom our synagogue has such a close relationship. He says that the knowledge that Jackson's Row members are supporting his ride will spur him on and help his ageing legs keep peddling over what is a very demanding route!
An e-mail will be sent out shortly to members with details of how to make payments to Brookvale but he will be delighted if anyone wishes to contact him directly on
07711 344616 or 01706 360124 or